Just after President Muhammadu Buhari gets confirnation from WASC through an issue of an attestation by the exam body via Twitter.
Today I received the attestation and confirmation of my 1961 West African School Certificate (WASC) Examination result, from the Registrar of the West African Examinations Council (WAEC). It was also an opportunity for me to thank WAEC for upholding its integrity over the years. pic.twitter.com/coJpMFZ0Kr
— Muhammadu Buhari (@MBuhari) November 2, 2018
Nigerians are particularly concerned about the issue of president Muhammadu Buhari's WAEC certificate which was reportedly held by the military and now the prwsident has been issued an attestation of result by WAEC.
Nigerians are shocked at the duplicity and are watching like hawks as what some think is trickery is done before their eyes.
This scrutiny is perhaps justified considering the incumbent president prides himself to be devoid of corruption and incapable of any deceit whatsoever.
Presenting the attestation under these circumstances have forced some Nigerians to play "spot the difference" with the previous ccertificates presented during the 2015 elections.
While some think the issuance of the attestation is a relief so as to move on to more pressing matters weighing down the nation, some people are not just having it and have taken to Twitter to rant.
So if I want to get a new WAEC certificate, I can send the body a recent passport photograph? I never liked the one on my original sef.
— Chidi Okereke (@Chydee) November 2, 2018
First you say your original WAEC result is with the military, then WAEC suddenly re issues you one which is against WAEC Law. After forging the result you forget to add Mathematics in it.
Affliction will not rise the 2nd time!!!
— KinG NomSo
(@ani_nomso) November 2, 2018
Someone, somewhere, somehow is hiding something.The letter Buhari’s principal wrote to Army recruiters in 1962 clearly stated that he took Maths & would pass it.The results released by his School in 2015 showed he failed Maths and Woodwork. How come this WAEC result lacks both? pic.twitter.com/vO2skEcdjO
— Dr Chima .M. Amadi (@AMADICHIMA) November 2, 2018
Are these people calling Nigerians fools again?
What is this!
A bald, aged Buhari on WAEC's result? pic.twitter.com/fNu4CBgA2e
— The Morris Monye Factor (@monye_morris) November 2, 2018
Someone said you can now update your DP in your Waec Certificate pic.twitter.com/OqDOPvXiNT
— Mr. Alabi! (@elitetatafo) November 2, 2018