
Just In: Twitter In A Frenzy As WAEC issues President Muhammadu Buhari Attestation Of Result -Newslanded

Just after President Muhammadu Buhari gets confirnation from WASC through an issue of an attestation by the exam body via Twitter.

Nigerians are particularly concerned about the issue of president Muhammadu Buhari's WAEC certificate which was reportedly held by the military and now the prwsident has been issued an attestation of result by WAEC.

Nigerians are shocked at the duplicity and are watching like hawks as what some think is trickery is done before their eyes.

This scrutiny is perhaps justified considering the incumbent president prides himself to be devoid of corruption and incapable of any deceit whatsoever.

Presenting the attestation under these circumstances have forced some Nigerians to play "spot the difference" with the previous ccertificates presented during the 2015 elections.

While some think the issuance of the attestation is a relief so as to move on to more pressing matters weighing down the nation, some people are not just having it and have taken to Twitter to rant.

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