Having another means of income can be beneficial as it reduces your dependency on your main source of income. It is easier to manage your side hustle if you have a goal in mind before you start.
Below are steps to manage your side hustle:
Time management

African American woman using laptop
Write out what your daily tasks entail and allot time frames. Schedule time for your full-time job responsibilities, side hustle tasks, along with personal tasks in your calendar. This helps to reduce the probability of exhaustion by activities.
Model similar businesses in the industry
Look for successful businesses in your niche and study what works for them. You can then model their business practices and apply it to yours while maintaining a unique advantage.
This will help you grow your side hustle without making unnecessary mistakes that can be costly.
Simplify your tasks with innovative tools
If you can reduce the time you spend on some activities for your side hustle, you can focus your energy on what matters.
For instance, social media marketing is important; but, it can be time-consuming. Social media tools can help you manage scheduling posts across several platforms while you focus on other areas of business development for your side hustle.
Identify your side hustle days
Adequate rest is important because burnout is real! So decide what days or hours you want to dedicate to side hustling.
For instance, you can dedicate a few days for side hustling with Saturday only for calling and building new clients. You can dedicate four hours every weekday after 7 pm to side hustling.