Honey has been used for longer than anyone can remember. The ancient Greeks believed that honey inspired poetry and wisdom on humans left on earth by the gods.
Recently, because of the craze for healthy living, it has been praised as a healthy choice than sugar and professed as the remedy for almost everything including sore throats, infections and fertility.
People clamour for honey especially raw unadulterated honey straight from the beehive. The market, of course, has thrived as people who boast to have the real one smile to the bank.
But studies have shown that honey is being overestimated.
As the concern for obesity and the effects continue to plague people, the intake of sugar has been reduced and honey substituted.
But honey has more calories than sugar although it has more minerals, they happen to be trace amounts that do not have real benefits.
Honey's reputation as a medicine is not entirely untrue. Manuka and Malaysian Tualang honey are known to contain antibacterial properties and one of the byproducts of enzymes in honey is hydrogen peroxide which is an effective germ killer. But it is unclear if other types of honey like homegrown honey has the same effectiveness.
Scientific research was done years ago to determine if honey was the liquid gold that will help to tackle infertility.
It was discovered that although honey may contain antioxidants that protect the cells against damaging cells due to ageing, they concluded that it was not a rigorous study.
But after that study's publication in 2011, Dr Natalie Rasgon of the Stanford School of Medicine, who studies estrogen and cognition in women said, “Assuming potential efficacy of honey, there is no preexisting knowledge of a mechanism.
“I can’t understand how they can compare honey to estrogen. Honey is not even a supplement.”