For lovers of chicken, this recipe will satisfy your cravings. Chicken Adobo is a popular Filipino dish. You can eat this chicken delight with sauce, without the sauce or rice.
Marinate chicken pieces in soy sauce and spices, pan-fried, and stewed until tender. The dish gained popularity because of its delicious taste and ease in preparation.
• 2/3 cup low sodium soy sauce
• 1 tsp garlic powder
• 2 tsp black pepper
• 1 bay leaf
• 2 tbsp of vegetable oil
• Shredded (3 pounds) chicken
• 1 large onion
• 2 tbsp minced garlic
• 1/3 cup of white vinegar
1. Marinate the chicken in soy sauce and garlic. Ensure you crush the garlic before using it to marinate the chicken.
2. Leave the garlic, soy sauce and chicken for about one hour or more to let the spices penetrate the chicken.
3. Separate the chicken from the marinade. Pan-fry the chicken pieces for about one minute and flip the chicken to the other side to fry.
4. Pour the marinade into a pot and add water. Allow the water and marinade to boil for a while.
5. Add the bay leaves, chicken and pepper to the pot and allow to boil for 25 minutes.
6. Pour the vinegar and let it cook for 10 minutes. Add sugar (optional) and salt for taste.
7. The chicken adobo is ready.