
The soldier’s wife - Part 1

Battle ready army

Eric Bhadmus had a bad habit. He would never say ‘no’ to any lady when it involved the matters of the heart.

And this very attitude always put him in trouble every time. Eric was a tall, handsome and cool dude.

He had all the attributes of a ‘licensed’ gigolo. He would never take his restless eyes off any daughter of Eve.

He was such a spoilt brat who was very fortunate to be raised from a moderately rich background.

His parents gave him all the support – educationally, financially, morally and materially. But he would never take to their sound advises and corrections.

Yoruba have a witty adage, “Aja ti o ma so nu, ki n gbo fere ode.” Meaning, “The dog that will go astray and get lost wouldn’t hear the whistles of the hunter.”

Eric’s parents put him in the best schools that was even expensive in those early days. They wanted the best for him in all ramifications.

But instead of the young lad to go to school, he would sneak away and ‘enjoy’ himself with other spoilt brats of his kind and avoid lectures.

They would wander away, very far from school and immerse themselves in dirty, frivolous and empty practices.

It was a fact in those days that there were young girls with the unwholesome habits of dating young, lascivious boys.

There is also an aphorism that, “Birds of the same feathers always flock together.” So, someone like Eric and his gang of loafers had friends too, who were on the same wave length.

Before one could say, ‘Bravo’ , Eric was thrown out of school and expelled without any sign and traces of secondary education.

All he had was his empty head and the unquenchable penchant for dating women and ladies alike.

It was a written fact that he had been warned and queried at school several times before he was finally given the boot and kicked out of school.

So, he became the king of women and he reveled in running after anything in skirts.

He was also very good at smoking and drinking highly alcoholic beverages like brandies, whiskies, rum and so on. He was so drunk most times that even Bacchus, the god of wine, would be jealous of him.

Nothing matters to Eric than women and drinks. He could fight and do anything just because of women.

He had them in various sizes-some were very short, tall, fat and slim. And he was very boisterous, rude and arrogant in manners.

Any time he had money in his pocket he had a tricky habit of nailing any lady he loved to get without any qualms.

He was a man full of wiles and who knew the real ancient tricks of getting women.

He had dated several ladies that he had actually lost count of their numbers.

He could sniff and know the presence of beautiful ladies many miles away. “Give me any woman,” he would say, “and forget about food, sleep or my career.”

In that particular house where Eric lived, a combatant military officer also resided in the same premises.

Sergeant Thomas Ajanlekoko was a physically strong soldier and he was nicknamed ‘Sergeant No-mercy’ simply because of his wicked, adamant and cruel manners of treating people in the area. He was dark-skinned, tall and muscular.

The tough and terribly-aggressive soldier had a very beautiful young wife named Lovina.

Ever since Eric set his roving and lurid eyes on Lovina, he had been restless and full of desire.

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