
Malawian Mother Marries Her Own Son, Says She Spent A Lot Of Money On His Education

A 47 Year old marawian woman has married his biological son aged 30 for what she claims as she over spend alot of money on his education.

Memory Njemani says another woman can not come in to be married to her son after her hard work in educating the son.

She says it is high time she enjoys herself with her son because they both worked hard.

“I invested alot of money in the education of my son. Why should another woman be married to him and enjoy my hard work I invested in him? That will not happen. I’m marrying my son so that we don’t empower other women who have been aborting ” she lamented.

Meanwhile society is rebuking the move charging that the woman is a wizard and must be burnt to ashes.

The public says she bewitched his son to marry her not the claims she is making.

The two have since married and are staying together.

Spurce: Malawian News.


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